Dear friends in the Dhamma,
We hope you had a good start to the New Year.
Hildegard started the new year with a journey. During her visiting days here at Dhammacari around Christmas, she found a suitable healing place on Tenerife: a rehabilitation clinic that specializes in neurological cases, among others. She receives suitable treatments and therapies there to improve her physical situation.
The clinic is, of course, barrier-free, which means Hildegard can move around more independently again.
The warm temperatures are very beneficial and allow her to spend a lot of time outdoors
The original reservation until the end of January has now been extended until February 11 and Hildegard is still waiting for the confirmation until the end of February.
She can still finance part of her stay from the dana she received for treatment at the TCM clinic in 2023. There have already been meditators who have given her more dana for this. If you would like to support Hildegard, please contact us by e-mail for the account details.
Our building site
The building site itself is still a little quiet. Ronald has been back here since January 7th, working on some areas and preparing the next major work steps. Last week Daniel, a meditator who contributes his skills as a carpenter, was here for a few days. The canopy for the new entrance area has already been installed.

Here you can already see the roofing for the new entrance, which Ronald and Daniel installed last week.

…and here is a view of the canopy that will be added to the south side.

Some of the windows have already been installed….
When Hildegard arrived here on December 20th, the windows were installed in her new rooms on the same day.
The large window openings in the meditation room and the dining room have been announced for February.
There will be further construction meetings over the next few weeks so that the following trades, such as plumbing, electrical and heating, can start work in February. There are many details that need to be carefully discussed with the architects and tradesmen
…and in all of this you can feel the good spirit that accompanies the whole project.
Further permanent donations...

The number of permanent donors has now grown to 56…
lots of metta again for this great support for the building project.
Sabrina canceled a few unimportant insurance policies and was able to round up her permanent donation to €100….
A generous Dana of €15,000 was also given by Valentina and Sever. Both have been giving generously every month since the start of construction …
And Michael has also given a generous dana of €12,000, moving the project closer to completion.
We are very touched by all the gifts that are pouring in for this building, which indicates a clear growth for the Dhamma in our Western Sangha.
May all who support this project be blessed and sustained in many ways.
The next stages of construction
Our credit is now shrinking and we need further large sums for these trades.
Around €150,000 for the heating and €100 – 150,000 for the electrical installation, depending on the progress of the construction and when the individual work steps can be carried out.
The carpenters’ work on the roof and the roofing will incur further costs.
At the same time, the first work on the sanitary facilities is also necessary,
…so further costs here too.
Loans + donations + permanent donations
As already announced in the previous newsletters, we now want to continue the construction until completion…so that more places for meditators will be available as soon as possible.
This work makes it possible to express appreciation for the growth in the Dhamma. Every giving also causes an echo in the giver, the joy of giving and supporting deeply moves us and strengthens the direction in which we give this form of energy.
Who would like to participate?
There are now several ways of financing the project:
Which of you can provide loan money for this project?
Please let us know how much you can provide interest-free and for how long.
There are already a few offers and we are still clarifying the form to define this clearly in writing and, above all, legally.
Who is willing to give Dana for the next trades?
As always, any amount is welcome, once or several times.
And more permanent donors are needed to ensure a continuous flow of money.
Who will become a permanent donor and is prepared to give €100 or more per month for a year or longer?
How can you give?
When making the transfer, please state
purpose “Extension”
and in the case of a standing donation also
“standing order”.
We would also be pleased to hear from you if you are participating and whether you can commit for 1 year or longer.
As always, the transfer is made to the association account:
Dhammacari Vipassana Meditatioszentrum e. V.
Sparkasse Erding-Dorfen
IBAN DE74 7005 1995 0010 1839 03

With Metta
Your Dhammacari Team